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Rektor Unimus membuka acara didampingi WR III dan Ketua LPPMSemarang │ May 24, 2017 Institute of Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat-LPPM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) participated in succeeding the 3rd International Seminar on Educational Technology (ISET) along with 7 other higher education institutions in Indonesia. The third ISET is a conference collaboratively and simultaneously held by Unimus and six other higher education institutions using live-streaming technology. ISET invited researchers as well as practitioners in industry, decision makers and educators from various fields of knowledge in order to share novel findings resulted from research projects that have been accomplished.

Peserta ISET menyaksikan Live StreamingAt Unimus, the event was opened by the Rector of Unimus (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd.) accompanied by the chairperson of LPPM Unimus (Dr. Dini Cahyandari, M.T.) and Vice Rector III (Drs. Samsudi Rahardjo, M.T.). The Rector stated during the opening speech that besides at Unimus and Unnes, the conference was also held simultaneously at some other higher education institutions, such Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Universitas Negeri Medan and Universitas Negeri Makasar by live streaming and teleconference. “This seminar is a fruit of cooperation between some higher education institutions establishing postgraduate programs, and Unimus is in the process of establishing some postgraduate programs.” Prof. Masrukhi stated.

Theme of the conference was “Global Education through Network Learning”, with some subthemes relevant to it. The seminar began with the presentation of the keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum. (Unnes Rector), followed by the presentations of the invited speakers, such as Jonan Donaldson, Ph.D. (Drexel University, USA); Prof. Dr. Che-Hua Yang (Dean of College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan), Ass. Prof. Dr. Prasong Tanpuchai (Kasetsart University, Thailand) and Dr. Nor Fadila Mohammad Amin (Coordinator of Technical & Vocational Education Post Graduate Program, Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia). Jonan Donalson, Ph.D. participating from the U.S. through tele conference stated that it was necessary to design learnings that adjusted to the technological development in the society so that they could be succeeded. For instance, in the past, we used textbooks but now we use e-books. Tests that we used to conduct know is replaced by adaptive technology. So are with worksheets, now replaced by intensive multimedia, and so on. The following segment was a parallel session, held simultaneously at the all contributing institutions, for those registering as oral presenters.

The ISET was the second international event held by Unimus using live streaming with the collaboration of other higher education institutions. The international seminar was one of Unimus’ efforts to implement the vision of Unimus, to become a world-renowned university. From the event, two articles written by Unimus’ lecturer succeeded to published in an international journal. Similar events hopefully can be held for the sake of Unimus’ advancements in sciences and academic environment.

Reported by the Publication and Documentation Team of the 3rd ISET.


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