Semarang │(25/7/2017) Students of the Undergraduate Degree in Chemical Education of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) got two national-level non-academic achievements, in form of grants from the Indonesian Entrepreneurship Program (Program Kewirausahaan Indonesia/PMWI), dealing with their participations in the national-level Indonesian Business Competition (Kompetisi Bisnis Indonesia/KBMI) 2017. Two teams represented the study program in that competition. The program, established to foster the emergence of new young entrepreneurs, was funded by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Direktorat Jendral Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan/Belmawa) at the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.
One of the teams won production/cultivation category by proposing a program entitled “Marwa Collection for Muslimah Syar’i Daily Wear”. This team consisted of Ria Hadri Anti (team leader), Laili Inayah (member), Budi Utomo (member), and Abu Toat (Member). Ria Hadri Anti explained that Marwa Collection was a creative industry focusing on pre-order T-shirt making, sales of Shar’i hijab and khimar, designed elegantly with some combination of Indonesian Batik. She said that the products were marketted online. The other team was led by Putri Rochayati, accompanied by three members, i.e. Atik Sis Rahmawati, Lia Herlina and Sri Lestari. The won Creative Industry category. Their program was titled “Pro Molymod: Utilization of Plastic Waste to Create a Molecular Model”. “Pro Molymod is a molecular model from plastic water bottle waste. One of the applied methods was recycling. This method is chosen because plastic waste around us is still not optimally utilized so that its processing should have an economical value. Pro Molymod can be used by students to learn about the concepts of molecular forms, using it as a medium to draw molecular forms in 3D. ” Putri Rochayati stated.
Both of the grant-winning teams are supervised by Mr. Eko Yulianto, M.Pd., one of the lecturers in the Chemical Education at Unimus, who will be the aided by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs. Their achievements in the non-academic sphere show that Unimus always supports the students in fostering their entrepreneurial spirits.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
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