Semarang │(11/10/2019) Diploma 3 Program of Midwifery at FIKKES Unimus in collaboration with Yayasan Ambulance Gawat Darurat (AGD) 118 organised workshop of Handling Emergency on Obstetric Neonatus or Midwifery Emergency Course (MEC). This workshop was conducted for three days from 11 to 13 October 2019 at NRC Building of Unimus. The chairperson of the workshop, Fitriani Nur Damayanti, S.ST., M.H.Kes. stated that there were 33 participants consisting 29 students of D3 Midwifery, three (3) lecturers of Midwifery Program and 1 lecturer of Nursing Program.

This workshop invited four outstanding trainers, such as Dr. Arietta Pusponegoro, Sp.OG (K) and three midwives from Yayasan AGD 118 (Rismah, Atik Supriatin, and Sri Windiarti).  “It is expected that upon joining the workshop on Midwifery Emergency Course (MEC), midwives can implement the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) program, or to decrease maternal and neonatal mortality rate. In this case, midwife should stand in the avant-garde to socialise and facilitate the society with midwifery emergency,” Fitriani explained.

Dr. Ali Rosidi, S.K.M., M.S.i. attended and welcomed the audience. He said after accomplishing the workshop, participants will get certificate of expertise. “We hope that all of the audience will seriously follow the workshop because the theme is very relevant with the present condition and it also the manifestation of Vision and Mission of this study program,” ended Dr. Ali Rosidi S.K.M. MSi.



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