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Perwakilan AIPNI Regional VII Jawa Tengah memberikan sambutan
The representative of AIPNI Region VII Central Java delivered a speech.

Semarang │ April 4, 2017 University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) is trusted with hosting Workshop on Item Review of the National Nurse Competence Testing (Uji Kompetensi Ners Indonesia/UKNI) by the Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Center (Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia/AIPNI) Region VII Central Java. The event will be held for two days from April 4 to April 6, 2017 in Unimus’ Nursing Research Center building. The are 27 higher education institutions in Central Java providing Nurse Education that have been registered as the participants of the event.

Peserta wokshop Item Review UKNI
The participants of Workshop on UKNI Item Review

The Head of Nurse Professional Program (Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho., M.Kep., Sp.Kom.) in the welcoming speech stated that “Item review is a routine event to produce national standard items that will be used as UKNI items, given the fact that Central Java is one of highly contributing regions in producing quality UKNI items”.

The representatives of AIPNI Region VII Central Java (Ns. Wahyu Hidayati., M.Kep., Sp.KMB.) expressed that the ultimate target of the two-day workshop was to review 2000 items. “The reviewed items in the region can also be used to train the students of each institution  so that the the passing rate of the competence testing can be increased” she added.

In the workshop, Unimus delegates 9 lecturers to review the competence testing items for 9 fields such as: Medical Surgical Nursing (Keperawatan Medis Bedah), Emergency and Critical Care Nursing (Keperawatan Gawat Darurat), Maternity Nursing (Keperawatan Maternitas), Pediatric Nursing (Keperawatan Anak), Family Nursing (Keperawatan Keluarga), Nursing Management (Manajemen Keperawatan), Psychiatric Nursing (Keperawatan Jiwa), Gerontic Nursing (Keperawatan Gerontik) and Community Nursing (Keperawatan Komunitas). The event is one of efforts to yield quality items of Nurse Competence Testing that match with the blueprint. The reviewed items will be then sent to the headquarter to be used as the items of the Nurse Competence Testing.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
