Ungaran ¦ 372 students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) who participate in Student Community Service of Community Empowerment Learning (KKN-PPM) was received by dr. Mundjirin ES, Sp.OG., the Regent of Semarang Regency in the Semarang Regency Hall on Monday morning, January 29, 2018. On the occasion, Prof. Dr. Masruhki (Rector of Unimus), accompanied by Dr. Dini Cahyandari, M.T. (Head of Unimus’ Institute of Research and Community Service) and Dr. Siti Aminah, S.Tp., M.Si., (Vice Head of the Institute of Research and Community Service for Community Service, Student Community Service, and Intellectual Property Right), directly delivered the students to the regent. Ahead of the event, a a briefing was held in the frontyard of Unimus’ Rectorate, led by Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, M.T., the Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

The student community service will be held for a month, from January 29 to February 27, located in 13 villages in Sumowono sub-district and 10 villages in Jambu sub-districts in Semarang Regency. The participants of the program are from 12 study programs (Undergraduate Program in Statistics, Undergraduate Program in Chemical Education, Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate Program in Electrical Engineering, Undergraduate Program in English Literature, Undergraduate Program in English Education, Undergraduate Program in Mathematics, Undergraduate Program in Management, Undergraduate Program in Accounting, Undergraduate Program in Nutrition Science, Undergraduate Program in Food Technology, and Diploma 4 Program in Health Analyst). As stated by the head of the Institute of Research and Community Service, the community service in 2018 was themed “Optimization of Community Empowerment and Natural Resources for Prosperity and Autonomy”. “KKN PPM taken by Unimus’ students is to change the paradigm of physical building to natural resource-based community empowerment. It is hoped that the program can make students at Unimus have great concerns about problems in the community as well as be able to solve them,” Dr. Dini added.

In that opportunity, the regent expressed his appreciation on Unimus’ attempt to involve of the students in the community empowerment. “Students should apply directly knowledge the have in the society and also can play a role in eradicating poverty by doing some movements and empowerment, and giving motivations to the community,” dr. Mundjirin, Sp.OG explained. “The program of student community service will give a lot of advantages for the villagers, for example: the students can help change people’s attitudes towards live in order to become more prosperous,” he added.
“The Student Community Service program give great benefits, such as training students to have leadership and empathy, which will be useful for them after graduating from the university and then working,” said the Rector. “When they finish the program, I hope that there will be mutual effects. The students will have new experiences from real life learning. And, people in the community will also get the latest information, such as appropriate technology,” he added. He hoped that the presence of Unimus students in there will give great benefits towards people in 23 villages in Semarang Regency.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol