A welcome speech by Salsabila Meilawati, the committee chairman of Orasi 2017 in the Inauguration Night.

Semarang │UNIMUS (September 9, 2017) The Inauguration Night, taking place in the east parking lot, was successfully held. It was the peak and final event of a series of Organization and Study Program Orientation (ORASI) and Introduction Time (Masta) events for new students in academic year 2017-2018, which has been held for six days since September 4, 2017. The Inauguration Night was opened by some traditional dance performance and music band performance from the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Arts.

a traditional dance performance by the Student Activity Unit of Arts

Salsabila Meiliawati, the committee chairman of Orasi 2017, in a report speech session, reported that the inauguration night was the peak of Orasi, expecting that the next generations at Unimus could actively involve themselves in any activities that aimed at developing the institution. The new students were also expected to always be creative in both arts and sports.

Prof. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus, was accompanied by the Drs, Samsudi Raharjo, M.T., the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, opened the event.

The event was opened by Prof. Dr. H. Masrukhi, M.Pd., Unimus’ Rector, accompanied by the senior leaders of the university. Even, the Rector also took part directly in entertaining the new students and representatives of the student organizations by singing a song entitled “Panggung Sandiwara (Legitimate Stage)” collaborating with the band of the Student Activity Unit of Arts.

Rector of Unimus handed over symbolically a package of groceries from the new students to the representative of orphanages.

The Night was also used to handover groceries provided by the new students to ten orphanages nearby Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. It was to train the students to be have more social awareness.

There were also some performing arts by the new students and some student activity units in the event. Not enough with those, Unimus Ormawa Awards was also held, as an appreciation to the student activity units and activists at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. The awards were given to the best Unimus Student Activity Unit, the best study program student association, the best commissariat of Muhammadiyah College Student Association (IMM), the best male and female Muhammadiyah College Student Association members (Immawan & Immawati) and the best student activists at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. The best study program student association went to Mechanical Engineering; the best student activity unit went to Tapak Suci; the best student executive unit went to the Faculty of Engineering; the best student organization went to the Student Activity Unit of Communication; the best male and female activists went to respectively Tri Atmaja and Lisnanda Dyah; the best immawati went to Ulfa Agustiani; the best immawan went to Fashih, and the best IMM commisariat went to IMM of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science.

Rector of Unimus handed over an award o the best student organization.

Congratulations to the committee of Orasi and Masta on the success of the entire event in academic yearS 2017-2018. Congratulations also to the winners of the competition 2017. We hope that it can will benefit Unimus as well as the public in general.

Rector of Unimus entertained the new students by sing a song with the band of the Student Activity Unit or Arts.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and the Student Activity Unit of Communication.
