Enade Pradana Istyastono, M.Sc., Apt., Ph.D, the speaker delivered the material

Semarang │Unimus (14/10/2018) Chemistry Education Department of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unimus was successfully held gelar General Lecture about the role of computation in Chemistry Learning entitled “Peran Komputasi dalam Pembelajaran Kimia, Penemuan Obat dan Pengawasan Kosmetika di Indonesia” on Monday (15/10/2018). This event presented Enade Pradana Istyastono, M. Sc., Apt., Ph.D, an outstanding pharmacist from Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta. Besides, this event was attended by the Dean, lecturers of FMIPA, and students of Chemistry Education and Health Department of Unimus at NRC Building in Unimus.

Moderator and speaker of general lecture entitled “Peran Komputasi dalam Pembelajaran Kimia, Penemuan Obat dan Pengawasan Kosmetika di Indonesia”

Eko Yuliyanto, S.Pd., M.Si. as the Chairperson of this event stated that this event was organised to follow up the Grant Scheme for College Cooperation Research (PKPT) gained by Chemistry Education Department in collaboration with Universitas Sanata Dharma as a partner university. Besides conducting research, PKPT also organise general lecture to publish and develop the research product such as Chemistry Computation for Chemistry Department students. “Upon joining the general lecture, students are expected to identify and able to use both simple and complex computation software related to organic chemistry subject they earn in the classroom since it will be the basic knowledge for being good Chemistry teacher. “In the future, students are expected to apply chemistry computation in daily life, for example in cosmetics.” Explained Eko Yuliyanto, M.Si.

Enade Pradana Istyastono, Ph.D. said that computation system is very helpful in learning chemistry since this own practical values such as the ability or skill to make abstract concept into concrete thing, we can bring hazardous substance into the laboratory, we can also count complex molecule characteristic, it can be used as visualisation tool and animation in counting molecule characteristic.”This method used to design new molecule especially medicine compound. It has been the main choice for many pharmacy industry related to the development or invention of medicine.” added the speaker who accomplish his study in Netherland and gained HenkTimmerman Award of 2011. This event was moderated by Eko Yuliyanto, M.Si. and this general lecture was ended by discussion and photo session.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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