Semarang │March 3, 2017 University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) have undergone an organizational restructure by inducting several structural officials. The event was attended by the head of Unimus Daily Advisory Board (H. Widadi, SH.). These official were inducted by rector of Unimus (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd.), accompanied by the Vice Rectors and other senior leaders of the university.
Here is the list of the inducted officials:
- Munadhirin, S.Pd., M.Si. as Head of Bureau of General Administration and Finance (BAUK)
- Rosita Lihasari, S.Sos., M.Si. as Head of Academic Administration and Student Affairs (BAAK)
- Etik Maunetiq, S.E., Akt. as Chief Financial Officer
- Sri Sulistyowati as Head of General and Managerial Affairs
- Wiwik Sulastri, S.E., M.M. as Head of Personnel Department
- Renny Hersusanti, A.Md. as sebagai Head of Household and Supplies
- Edy Priyono, S.Kom. as Chief University Database Officer
- Yuli Prasetyanti, A.Md. as Head of Administration of Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Indah Maftuchah, SE., M.Si. as Head of Administration of Campus 1
- Slamet Riyadi, S. Kom. as Head of Administration of Campus 2
- Moh Ali Fatkhurrohman, S.K.M. as Head of Administration of Campus 3
- Rudy Ismarsono, S.E. as Head of Administration of Faculty of Public Health
- Ns. Yunie Armiyati, SP.KMB. as Head of the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol Affair
- Ns. Sri Widodo, M.Sc. and Eko Yulianto, S.Pd., M.Si. consecutively as Head and Secretary of the Technical Unit of Admission & Marketing
- Abdur Rohman, S.T., M.T. as Head of Project Development
- Nurhayati, S.E., M.M. as Head of the Technical Unit of Business Development
- Drs. A Fathurrohman, M.Kom. as Head of the Technical Unit of Information Technology and Communication (TIK)
- M. Firdaus C. N, S.Hum. as Head of the Technical Unit of Library
- Ns. Ernawati, M.Kes. as Head of the Technical Unit of Medical Laboratory
- M. Yusuf, Ph.D. as Head of the Technical Unit of International Relations Office (IRO) and Cooperation
- Dodi Mulyadi, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Head of the Technical Unit of Language

In addition to those above, the several sub-division heads were also inducted:
- Samroatul Fuad, A.Md. as Head of Monitoring Subdivision
- Rasmini, S.E. as Head of Budgeting Subdivision
- M. Ruyani, S.Kom. Head of Spatial Planning and Inventory
- Sukamdi, A.Md. as Subdivision Head of Student Affair
- Fadly Wahyu Kurnianto, A.Md. as Subdivision Head of Employee Affair
- Mulyono, A.Md. as Subdivision of General and Managerial Affair
- Siti Munawaroh, A.Md. as Subdivision Head of Academic Affair
- Hardiarta Kartika, ST., M.Kom. as Subdivision Head of Procurement Affair

Rector of Unimus in his speech stated that “it has been all of the academicians’ duty to support the institution’s development in accordance with the vision and mission that have been determined. 18 years since the establishment, Unimus needs synergistic performances from all of the academicians. Unimus keeps managing and self-developing to make the vision as an excellent, distinctive, technology-based and international-minded university realized. In line with it, Head of Unimus Daily Advisory Board stated that in order to live long, good performances and roles from all leaders in Unimus are required, including the newly-inducted officials. Those who have just been induced are expected to do self-evaluations in accordance with their duties and obligations, based on the mandates. The ultimate goals are to empower and develop Unimus, as said in a hadith, “All of you are shepherds and each of you is responsible for his flock.”
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations & JIPC