Semarang | (May 15, 2018), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held the 28th graduation ceremony in Rama Shinta Ballroom of Patrajasa Hotel, Semarang. The ceremony began with an open senate meeting led by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the senate chairman. 512 students graduated, consisting of 69 graduates from professional programs (nursing and medical programs), 376 graduates from undergraduate programs, 9 graduates from Diploma IV programs and 58 graduates from Diploma III programs. Attending the ceremony also was Dr. Muhammad Samsudin, S.Ag., M.Pd. (Vice Secretary of the Council of Higher Education, Research and Development of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board, Hendrardi Sulistyawan, S.H. (Division Head of Academic, Institution, and Cooperation of the Coordination of Private Higher Education Institution of Area VI Central Java), Drs. K.H. Musman Tholib, M.Ag (Deputy Head of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java), Unimus Daily Advisory Board, as well as invited guests from civil and military organizations, heads of professional organizations, heads of educational institutions, government agencies, private institutions, and banks.

Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si., the Vice Rector I, reported that in the 28th graduation, students from 7 faculties and 19 study programs took part. Among them, 10 best graduates were selected. They are Achmat Faruk (Undergraduate Program in Public Health) with GPA 3.37, Lia Miftakhul Janah (Undergraduate Program in Statistics) with GPA 3.92, Hardiman Nurcahyanto (Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering) with GPA 3.65, Heri Supriono (Undergraduate Program in Electrical Engineering) with GPA 3.65, Kristiana Tri Nugrahini (Diploma III program in Health Analyst) with GPA 3.78, Rizqi Nur Baeti (Undergraduate Program in Nutrition Science) with GPA 3.8, Yani Magfiroh (Undergraduate Program in Food Technology) with GPA 3.92, Seva Kurnia Sari (Professional Program in Nursing) with GPA 4.00, Harits Hammam Adhadi (Professional Program in Medicine) with GPA 3.63 and Dwi Agus Kurniawan (Undergraduate Program in Medicine) with GPA 3.40. The Vice Rector also expected supports and prayers from the public for the establishment of Professional Program in Midwifery and some Postgraduate Program. “Today, our proposal have been granted to open a new study program, i.e. Master’s Program in Medical Laboratory Science, becoming the first program in Indonesia and now we are waiting for the Decree. We also is preparing to open Professional Program in Midwifery, Undergraduate Program in Information Technology, and Master’s Program in Nursing. Hence, we are expecting your supports and prayer,” said Dr. Sri Darmawati in her reporting speech.

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus, congratulated the graduates who have finished their study at Unimus and also the parents and guardians of the graduates who have entrusted the education of the children to Unimus. He advised the graduates to become cadres of sciences, religion, and development in the community. “Unimus always tries prepare the graduates to compete in real life in this millennial era. Unimus in 2018 according to 4ICU is ranked 46 out of totally 4600 private higher education institutions and 123 state higher education institutions,” Prof. Masrukhi informed. “Unimus always tries to develop itself especially in 3 primary aspects. First is human resource, by pushing the educators to take doctoral degrees. Second is international-level academic development. And, third is learning facilities and infrastructure development,” he added.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, M.Pd., Kons. in his greeting read Hendrardi Sulistyawan, S.H., expressed his appreciation for the advancement of Unimus in the past 2 years. According to him, out of 257 private higher education institutions in Central Java, Unimus was of 49 private institutions that have been accredited B for the Institutional Accreditation (AIPT). This success was expected to be able to motivate Unimus to get accredited A following 4 other private institutions in Central Java. “We hope that Unimus will also implement the program of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education about Long-distance Lecture. With this program, lectures at Unimus can later be done not only in the classroom but also through information technology using video conference facilities, meaning that the scope of the students is not just regional or national but also overseas.” he added.
Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol