Semarang|Unimus (15/10/2018) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) has built good MoU with Muhammdiyah and Aisyiyah School Institutions in Central Java. In this occasion, Unimus tried to develop internationalisation program for school institution. This agenda was held in RSGM Hall of Unimus on Monday (15/10/2010) in collaboration with Primary and Secondary Education Council (Dikdasmen). Central Board of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Region Central Java. This event was also supported by International Relationship Officer (IRO) Unimus as International Workshop Program entitled “Managing School: Learning from Cambridge and International Islamic School Around the World”. Attended in this event was Ust. Zulfan Haidar Zamzuri Umar, Principal of International Islamic School Malaysia. This workshop was joined by 449 participants consisting teachers and principals of TK ABA, SD, SMP, SMA/SMK Aisyiyah and Muhammadiyah in Central Java. This workshop was opened by Vice Rector I Unius, Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. and several representatives from Elementary and Secondary Council of PWM and PWA Central Java.
Board of Elementary and Secondary Council of PWM in Central Java, Drs. Karnadi Hasan, M.Pd. delivered his speech to welcome the participant
Ust. Zulfan Haidar Zamzuri Umar, M.Ed. from International Islamic School Malaysia presented the material
Ust. Zulfan Haidar Zamzuri Umar, M.Ed., Head Of Cambridge International Examination Center My102 delivered the material in four (4) sessions. As the Muhammadiyah alumni from Kindergarten level to High School in Yogyakarta, he explained how to manage school institution and students in accordance to to Cambridge and Islamic curriculum in several countries. In this event that was moderated by Ns. Mardiana Kamila, S.Kep. from Global Unimus, Ustadz Zulfan asked all of the participants to discuss about many important things such as: mapping the school, setting up clear vision and mission, academic affairs and curriculum and student affairs: extra curricular as well. Ustadz Zulfan shared the knowledge of mapping the school and how to design a clear philosophy, vision, mission, and standard operating procedure. “Any institution can develop rapidly as long as it has clear and good philosophy, vision, vision, and standard operating procedure.” He said. Ustadz who was born in Kauman Yogyakarta also shared the information about how to manage problems faced by the teachers, students, and parents. “Talking about teacher, usually it discusses about how to overcome the problem or become solver. Then, how to turn zero to hero to our students, and finally how to get along well with parents to collaborate in raising their chidren.” said Ustadz Zulfan.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol