Semarang | As the national consumer protection board stipulated in Law No. 8 Year 1999, BPKN is responsible for disseminating information about consumer protection through media and also socialize consumer partiality. BPKN tries to hold such program namely BPKN goes to campus where Unimus is the destination. It was held in Unimus on Friday (21/12/2018) in RSGM Hall of Unimus. This agenda was set as General Lecture participated by hundred of students from Food Technology Department and Management and Accounting Department, entitled “Edukasi Perlindungan Konsumen”. There were two amazing speakers from BPKN, such as Dr. Ir. Arief Safari MBA (Chairperson of Commission for Communication and Education of BPKN) and Bambang Sumantri, MBA (Member of BPKN as well as Vice Chairman of BPSK for DKI Jakarta). This agenda was moderated by Dr. Hardi Winoto, S.E., M.Si, Dean of Faculty of Economy in Unimus.

Dr. Ir. Arief Safari MBA explained that Indonesian Consumer Confidence Index (IKK) in 2016 was 30,86 out of 100 which means still relatively low. “BPKN promotes BPKN Goes to Campus, because we feel that education and socialisation related to Indonesian consumers rights and responsibility is very low. Thus, BPKN targets millennial generation, in this case students to socialise the program. I do hope that university students become the role model for smart, critical consumers who actively struggle for their rights as consumer.” he ended.
All the audience enthusiastically listened to the speaker’s material
Bambang Sumantri, MBA added that BPKN is still review the Law, especially Law number 8 Year 1999 in order to keep the law update with the recent condition. “At the end of the socialisation, we do expect that you (Unimus students) can identify your rights as consumer and recognise any violation against it.” He ended.