Semarang │Internalization of higher education institution and study program is regarded as prominent factor in industrial era 4.0. Referring to this, Undergraduate Program of Nursing and Midwifery of Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (Fikkes) in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) collaborated with International Relationship Officer (IRO) organized “Joint Meeting & MoA Signing to Improve International Curriculum of Nurse-Midewife Profession” with Lincoln University College Malaysia. President of Lincoln University College Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Dato’ Bibi Florina Abdullah, Head of Nursing Department of Unimus, Dr. Fatkhul Mubin, M.Kep.Sp.Jiwa, Ners Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho, Head of D3 Midwifery, Dewi Puspitaningrum, M.Kes, Director of IRO, Muhammad Yusuf, Ph.D and lecturers in Nursing and Midwifery Department of Unimus. This event was held on Monday (22/04/2019) in meeting room of integrated health Laboratory building in Unimus.

This event was opened by the presentation of Nursing curriculum and discussion about international nursing curriculum and initiate MoA by student and lecturer exchange, collaborative research and community service between Unimus and Lincoln University College Malaysia. The further discussion decided that Nursing Department will be Co-Host in International Seminar held by Lincoln University College Malaysia, that contribute speakers and oral presentation. This event also initiated international class or double degree for S1 Nursing Study Program. In addition, lecturers also have opportunity to continue their Doctoral degree in Lincoln University College Malaysia. “Through this collaboration, both students and lecturers are be able to take short course and join degree in Lincoln University College. Unimus will also accept international students from Lincoln University Collage Malaysia to learn in Unimus” explained Fatkhul Mubin, Head of S1 Nursing Study Program. This event was closed by signing the Memorandum of Agreement between Lincoln University College Malaysia and the Undergraduate Program of Nursing and Midwifery.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol