UNIMUS | Thursday (May 2, 2018) To celebrate the National Education Day, hundreds of academicians at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, consisting of lecturers, educational staff members, and students, attended the flag ceremony in the front yard of the campus. The ceremony was led by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. (Rector of Unimus), reading a greeting letter from Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nasir, the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

Through the letter read by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, the Minister stated that, “May 2 is a very important, meaningful, inspiring, and motivating day dealing with the development of our national civilization though the development of human resources. Within the development itself, education, especially higher education, plays a key role. The role of higher education is as the final station of formal education. In higher education, it is necessary to conduct researches for developing science and technology for the sake of Indonesian as well as the world’s people’s prosperity. The urgency of higher education institutions to conduct researches and create innovations have got more important in the fully disruptive social situation as it is now. This revolution has become a challenge that needs to be answered by higher education. The implementation of learning, including researches conducted by college beings should be able to answer this disruptive condition, otherwise our higher education processes cannot touch the real social reality,” the Ministry advised.

“One of the policies that will be immediately implemented dealing with the industrial revolution era is the Long-distance Education Program, where in the near future the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education will issue a regulation that will support the implementation of this program. Higher education in the future will offer a lot of options of learning models, such as face to face, online learning, and blended-learning”, stated the Rector reading the Ministry’s script. He also said to face the era of turbulences, internationalization of higher education was not less important. Globalization has become a necessity, meaning that improvement of quality of human resource competencies also needed to be improved. “Lecturers, students, and graduates of a higher education institution should be able to adapt with any kind of transformation,” he continued.
The celebration of the National Education Day in 2018 is themed “Strengthening Education, Advancing Culture” with a sub-theme “Simplifying Higher Education, Improving the Human Resource Quality”. Unimus, synergizing with the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, held several events to enhance the quality of its human resources. In this celebration, the Rector of Unimus gave a couple of awards, such as awards for high-achieving students, library ambassador, and winners of Unimus Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran 2018.
The highest-achieving student award went to Nanda Eka Yuniarti, a student of Undergraduate Program in English Education. Meanwhile, the library ambassador, known as “Sahabat Perpustakaan” in 2018 went to Chandra Eka Fitriana from Undergraduate Program in Nursing. Rector also handed over a trophy for the winner of Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran from the Faculty of Medicine, received by Prof. Dr. dr. Rifki Muslim, Sp.B, Sp.U (K), the Dean of the Faculty.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol