Semarang | October 25, 2016. The Faculty of Medicine, the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a general lecture entitled “The Future Challenge”, lectured by the Rector of Unimus (Prof. Dr. H. Masrukhi, M.Pd.) followed by a laptop handover to the students of the faculty. Also attending the event were the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.), the Vice Rector III (Drs. Samsudi Rahardjo, M.M. , M.T.), the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (Prof. Dr. Rifki Muslim, Sp.B., Sp.U.), the Head of the Bureau of Academic Administration and Student Affairs (Slamet Riyadi, S.Kom.), the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (dr. Aisyah Lahdji, M.M., MMR.) and the class of 2016 students
The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. in the speech, he stated that the laptop handover was a way of giving the students a learning medium so that they could study better. He hoped that the students of the Faculty of Medicine would be able to become Islamic doctors representing the principles of Muhammadiyah. He also hoped that the students could become specialists and even professors in Medicine.

Meanwhile, in the general lecture, the Rector stated that as students of the Faculty of Medicine, they had to be aware of their nationalistic responsibility, which basically was a milestone of the National Awakening. He stated that a doctor candidate should have had not only to deal with his or her own profession but also kept having awareness on the nationalistic responsibility as well as knowing about the history of his or her nation.
The rector urged that the students had to be able to become Muhammadiyah’s cadres for the sake of da’wah and facing challenges that were not just simple. They had to be specialists and shown their self-actualization.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations & JIPC