Read more about the article UNIMUS’s Lecturer as Chairman of the committee in the celebration 72nd Independence Day of Indonesia in Thailand
Ms. Dian Candra ( in red kebaya) cuts Tumpeng and delivered to Dean Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,KKU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kulthida Tuamsuk

UNIMUS’s Lecturer as Chairman of the committee in the celebration 72nd Independence Day of Indonesia in Thailand

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Today, 17 August 2017. Indonesia celebrates its 72nd Independence day. One of UNIMUS’ lecturer who study abroad in Khon Kaen University, Thailand, Ms. Dian Candra participates in the celebration. She’s…

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Read more about the article Unimus Gelar Lomba Futsal Antar SMK/SMA Se-Kota Semarang
Peserta lomba futsal antar SMA dan SMK di kota Semarang sedang berlaga di lapangan futsal Unimus

Unimus Gelar Lomba Futsal Antar SMK/SMA Se-Kota Semarang

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Semarang, 7 Agustus 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) menyelenggarakan perlombaan Futsal Antar SMA/SMK se-kota Semarang yang akan berlangsung dari tanggal 7  - 9 Agustus. Perlombaan tersebut merupakan salah satu runtutan…

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