To Boost Lecturer Publications in International Journals, Unimus Invites an International Journal Reviewer.

Semarang│(October 30, 2017) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held “Clinic on Article Writing for an International Journal” with Dr. Atta-Ur Rahman, a reviewer of international journals from the University of Peshawar…

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Faculty of Public Health at Unimus Held a National Seminar to Support the Reduction of Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates.

Semarang, October 28,2017 | As an attempt to decrease maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate, which is still high in Indonesia, the Faculty of Public Health at Universitas Muhammadiyah…

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Faculty of Economics at Unimus Held a General Lecture Themed “Tips to Be a Successful Entrepreneur””

Semarang │(October 28, 2017) To commemorate the 89th Indonesian Youth Pledge Day, the Faculty of Economics (FE) at Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a general lecture entitled “Stategies of Entrepreneurship…

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Deputy President of the Poeple’s Representative Council Gave a General Lecture to Students at Unimus

Semarang (October 23, 2017) Dr. Ir. H. Taufik Kurniawan, M.M., the Deputy President of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (Coordinator of Economic and Monetary Affairs) just…

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BAPS at Unimus Equips Prospective Graduates with Soft Skills and Knowledge on Islamic Life

Semarang │(October 15, 2017) 1.021 prospective graduates at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) have been attending Post-Study Baitul Arqam (Baitul Arqom Purna Studi/BAPS) held in the hall of the Nursing Reseach…

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