Dr. Atta-Ur Rahman presented a material on strategy to write an article for an international journal  before Unimus lecturers.

Semarang│(October 30, 2017) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held “Clinic on Article Writing for an International Journal” with Dr. Atta-Ur Rahman, a reviewer of international journals from the University of Peshawar Pakistan, as the guest speaker. The event was attended by lecturers who had finished and were taking a doctorate degree in order to improve their abilities to deal with international publications, as one of the four obligations (catur dharma). Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus, Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector 1), and Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep., Sp.Mat. (Vice Rector 2) also took part in the event.

Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector 1) accompanied by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi M.Pd. (Rector of Unimus) handed over a souvenir to Dr. Atta-Ur Rahman.

Moderated by Dodi Mulyadi, M.Pd., the event began with a welcome speech by the Rector of Unimus. The rector stated that lecturer publication was an important component in the higher education institution ranking, according to the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). “A lecturer’s ability to write an article in an international journal can be sought in many ways, such as this clinic on publication text writing on accredited international journal,” he revealed. “I think lecturers’ ability to publish in accredited international journal needs to be improved. Let’s hope that the research results of the lecturers can be published in international journals with high impacts,” he added.

Dr. Atta-Ur Rahman (middle) took a picture with the Rector of Unimus (second from left) and Vice Rector 1 (second from right) after the clinic.

Dr. Atta-Ur Rahman shared various strategies to make an article accepted in an accredited international journal. He stated that the reputation of a lecturer could be seen from the field and the papers written. There were many international journals that gave opportunities for researchers to submit their articles, of course through several steps of reviewing. “To enhance the writing quality prior to publishing in an international journal, some blind reviewers may be needed. The reviewers will give some nice suggestions without any conflicts of interest. They will do objective assessments so that the writing quality can be better,” stated the associate professor fro the University of Peshawar Pakistan. “To write quotations, we cannot just replace or copy completely, but need to paraphrase or rewrite with a different writing style and without changing the content. Replacing and paraphrasing really needs to be taken into account by authors from non-English speaking countries, including Indonesia,” he asserted. “Publication manuscript presentation also needs to be supported by accurate data, statistics, as well as figures that can consolidate the text that will be published in an international journal,” he concluded the speech.

Research achivements of lecturers are very high, especially at Unimus, shown by the rising number of lecturers receiving grants of researches and community services in 2017. Let’s hope that along with the achivement, lecturers’ achievements in publishing articles in national and international journals can also increase. Moreover, international publications by the lecturers can also improve the competitiveness of Indonesian people in the global sphere today because right now, among Asean countries, Indonesia is still below Singapore and Malaysia in terms of international journal publication.

Source: Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.

