Semarang | (14/12/2019) Community Service Program (KKN) is one of the compulsory subject for university students which aims at directly implementing knowledge gained from the classroom into the society. For that reason, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) through the Institution of Research and Community Service (LPPM), proudly presented the annual briefing of Community Service Program KKN-PPM 2020 that will be held in Pabelan and Tengaran Municipality of Semarang Regency
This briefing organised in FK Hall of Unimus and joined by 400 KKN participants from 12 Undergraduate Programs such as S1 English Education, S1 English Literature, S1 Accounting, S1 Management, S1 Nutrition Science, S1 Food Technology, S1 Public Health, S1 Chemistry Education, S1 Mathematic Education, S1 Statistics, S1 Electronic Engineering and S1 Mechanical Engineering.
This year, KKN PPM took an interesting theme entitled “Peran Serta Muhammadiyah dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kec. Pabelan dan Kec. Tengaran”. This event invited Heru Purwantoro, S.Sos, M.M. (Head of DISPERMASDES Kab. Semarang) to explain about Village Potentials and Development. Then, agenda was proceeded into a material about general description of KKN PPM by Herlisa Anggraini, S.K.M., M.Si.Med. Furthermore, the last material about communication, Ethics, and Psychology.