Unimus | The Mayor of Semarang City appreciated the acceleration of development and achievements of Unversitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). It was stated by Hendrar Prihadi, S.E., M.M., the Mayor, in the Coffee Morning event at Unimus on Tuesday, April 24, 2018. Located in the integrated medical laboratory building (Labkes) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus), the event was attended by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. (Rector of Unimus), as well as the Vice Rectors, Dean, and Daily Advisory Board members of Unimus, members of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java and representatives of the students. “I can feel that Unimus always motivates me, about something we believe able to make us better can really be realized.
Unimus has been really progressive in developing itself” Mr. Hendi said. “Unimus and Muhammadiyah all this time has had harmonious communication with all lines in Semarang City Government. Many things have been done by Unimus in terms of either social activities or ideas for the advancement of Unimus. Many of Unimus’ alumni also have conducted real activities either as staff of some institutions/companies or as entrepreneurs in Semarang City,” he added. The City Mayor, who is also a member of Unimus Daily Advisory Board, stated that “…nowadays there are still a lot of things to do for the improvement of Semarang that still needs supports from various parties. Like a car, Semarang needs for tires to move. Unimus as a part of the community can become one of the wheels that can help accelerating the advancement of Semarang City,” he ended.

Rector of Unimus in his welcome speech explained about the progress and development plan of Unimus. “Unimus today has been accredited B, categorized an upper-level higher education institution. In 2019, Unimus will be in process of reaccreditation by improving the quality of facilities, including physical buldings and human resources, in order to be accredited A,” Rector explained. “We really support this development and the reforestation efforts of Semarang by setting up the park and greening in the area of Unimus. The acceleration of building construction project at Unimus is also improved by following the regulations in Semarang City,” he added.
On the occasion, the Mayor also asked for suggestions for the improvement of Semarang City. At the end of the session, the student senate representatives expressed their appreciations to Mr. Hendy for his achievements during his position as the Mayor of Semarang City. The expected that the Mayor could always supports the students’ activities.