Semarang | (28/04/2019) Cardiac arrest is when heart malfunction and stop beating unexpectedly and it is serious problem in health. Heart attack is silent killer that can arrive anytime and anywhere. Quick first aid kit, especially the application of CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) becomes the prominent things to be considered to increase patient’s chance of survival. Referring to many cases of Cardiac Arrest, Nursing Department of Unimus held national seminar entitled “Update of Cardiac Arrest Nursing Management”. This event was realised as its contribution to the development of science, improvement of nursing quality in cardiovascular emergency cases, such as cardiovascular, heart diseases, and accident. Those need emergency treatment, including emergency service before entering the hospital and during treatment in the hospital.

This event was organised in Harris Hotel Semarang on Sunday (29/04/2019) and invited 3 speakers such as Ns. Akhmad Mustofa, M.Kep (Unimus Emergency Nursing Expert), dr. Sefri Noventi Sofia, Sp.JP, M.Si.Med (Cardiologist of RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang), and Ns. Ade Priyanto, S.Kep, Sp.KV (Person in Charge in Emergency Room of RS. Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita), and this event was moderated by Ns. Chanif, S.Kep., MNS (Head of Diploma III Program of Nursing Unimus). Vice Rector II (Dr. Sri Rejeki., M.Kep., Sp.Mat) represented Rector of Unimus officially opened the agenda and gave high appreciation towards this event. The theme of the seminar was very appropriate to be one of efforts to increase nursing services especially in cardiovascular cases. It is expected that this seminar can disseminate many information and increase nurses’ competences in handling Cardiac Arrest. “Today, the demand of nurses in Indonesia is relatively high. “There are at least 300 thousand nurses, but this does not fit with the amount of the hospital in Indonesia. Thus, chance of becoming nurse is still widely opened”, explained Dr. Sri Rejeki. She affirmed that this seminar is very important because Cardiac Arrest Case is responsible for several deaths case in Indonesia. “Cardiac Arrest is the number three most common death-causing diseases, so we have to actively update our knowledge about cardiac arrest patients.” She ended.

This seminar was joined by more than 500 participants consisting students and nurses. Ns. Akhmad Mustofa as the first speaker delivered material about “Update Nursing Management of Cardiac Arrest for Pre Hospital”, dr. Sefri Noventi Sofia, Sp.JP, M.Si.Med shared the material about “Update Penatalaksanaan Henti Jantung”, and Ns. Ade Priyanto, S.Kep, Sp.KV explained about “Perawatan Pasca Henti Jantung”. The committee expected that after joining this seminar, all of the participants increase their knowledge, competences, can apply the cardiac arrest management properly.


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