Semarang | To foster the entrepreneurial spirit of the students, the Faculty of Economics of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a Seminar on Entrepreneurship. Kukrit Suryo Wicaksono, the head of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Central Java Area (Kadin), was invited to become the speaker in the seminar entitled “Fostering Students’ Entrepreneurial Spirit to Become Creative, Innovative, and Autonomous”. Taking place in the Nursing Research Center building on July 19, 2018, Unimus collaborated with Kadin in order to get more support in developing the campus of Unimus as an entrepreneurial-based campus.

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus attended the event and gave some advice to the participants to absorb as much as possible the knowledge shared with in the event. “Get knowledge as much as possible from the speaker. It will become useful for you when you graduate, so that you will not look for a job but you will create it,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kukrit in his speech stated that students shouldn’t be afraid of dreaming to become an entrepreneur. “To become a successful entrepreneur, don’t be afraid of failure because it will make us be more and more spirited and creative to develop a business. Thus, we have to keep on spirited when we are being ‘tested’ for every effort needs patient and courage to make a decision for our business,” he explained.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Suara Merdeka Group also shared some tip to become a successful businessman, which was to extend the network. “Never underestimate the value of friendship, for some day well may need it. The closer we are with other, the easier we are to identify. Thus, we can design any effective strategy for us,” he added.