Semarang | Kartini is a real example of women’s struggles for rights to place themselves in an equal position with men, without forgetting their nature as women who cannot do some things men can do like working, producing things, expressing self, and showing characters. In accordance with that, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang has taken part in celebrating Kartini’s Day as an appreciation towards female strugglers.
Attended by the Vice Rector I, deans, heads of study programs, and academicians and students of Unimus, the event was held in Unimus’ park on April 25, 2018. It ran thriumpantly that there are various activities organized by the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Unimus. Several competitions were held such as student fashion show, with the participants from 9 study programs in the faculty, selection of Kangmas & Mbak yu Fikkes (the faculty’s ambassadors), and some other competitions that had been done on the previous days. “As women, you have to dream high and do not only rely on men or others, but you have to stand on your own feet, side by side with men, and be equal with them in all aspects, such as at work,” Dr. Ali Rosidi, the Vice Dean II of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences of Unimus in his greeting. “Women should work like what men do without any limit except when it comes to their nature, especially in this era, the modern era, which needs to be faced autonomously,” he added.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol