Muhammad Yusuf SSTPi., M.Si., Ph.D., one of Unimus’ Food Technology lecturers, was awarded a research grant for the capacity improvement of lecturers through a Postdoctoral Research scheme from the Directorate of Research and Community Services, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, with a directing professor from Diponegoro University as the research partner, just recently. The research title is “Fisheries Product Development”. Also, a professor of the University of Texas Austin from the U.S. is planned to get involved in the research, giving help in the fields of technology “transfer of technology” and “marketing”.
“Alhamdulillah, we, from Unimus, are entrusted by the government to conduct an international-level research. DRPM (read: The Directorate of Research and Public Services) has announced the recipients’ names of the research and community service grants, who are all Indonesian lecturers. The announcement is written in a Decree No: 025/E3/2017, January 6th, 2017, signed by the Director of DRPM, Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa,” stated Mr. Yusuf. A team of reviewers from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has approved our postdoctoral research plan entitled “Innovation and Product Development Strategy in the Indonesian Fisheries Industries for the American Market Orientation”. During the upcoming two-year research period, we are obliged to publish the results in three international journals.” added Mr. Yusuf who got a Ph.D. at UIT Tromso, Norway.

“We need supports and prayers from all fellow lecturers at Unimus to make our research run well. Our first publication is planned to be titled “Mapping Performance of the Indonesian Fishery Industries Innovation”. The second publication would be “Creating a Strategic Product Plan for Indonesian industries”, and the third one would be “Adoption of the U.S. Market Needed in Indonesian Fishery Product“. The research will be conducted both in Indonesia and the U.S.,” explained M. Yusuf who has been experienced in the field of canning seafood industry for an international market.
M Yusuf needs to work very hard in 2017 because he has to be able to present his research. The first presentation will be in the Institute for Food Technologist Annual Meeting, held on June 10th-13th 2017, in Las Vegas. Meanwhile, the second one will be presented in the International Conference on Fisheries & Aquaculture, held on August 8th-10th, 2017, in Toronto, Canada”.

Some other Food Technology lecturers have also received grants either for researches or community services. Mrs. Wikanastri Hersoelistyorini, S.T., M.T., has been awarded a research grant for her Research on Applied Product; Dr. Nurhidajah S.T.P., M.Si., with her two co-researchers, Agus Suyanto, S.TP., M.Si. and Siti Aminah S.T.P., M.Si. is working on a research entitled “Wild Yam Biological Modification using Fermented Cabbage Extract to Create Flour that Substitutes Wheat in the Making of Noodles.” Dr Nurhidajah S.T.P., M.Si., also receives a research grant for her research entitled “Black Rice as an atherosclerosis inhibitor in mice with atherogenic diet.”; meanwhile, Siti Aminah S.T.P., M.Si. starts a research entitled “The Ability of Corn Germ and Soy Germ Flours Enriched with Eggshells to Prevent Estrogen Depletion in Mice with Ovariectomy.”
As for other lecturers of Food Technology who also have received grants, here are the details. Wikanastri Hersoelistyorini has received a grant for her IPTEKs bagi Masyarakat/IbM (Science, Technology and Art for the Society) proposal entitled “IbM for a Group of Housewives in RT 03 (Neighborhood Association 3) and RW 07 (Community Association 7), Kaliwiru Village, Semarang”. Agus Suyanto S.T.P., M.Si. in collaboration with Moh. Yamin Darsyah from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) have received a grant for a proposal of community service program under a scheme of KKN PPM (Student Community Service in Learning and Community Empowerment). The title is “Developing Vocational Businesses in Wado Village, Subdistrict of Kedungtuban, Blora Regency.”
“There are many programs dealing with research and community services managed by DRPM offered to lecturers/researchers, as the manifestations of the Three Obligations,” stated Prof. Ocky Karna Rajasa in his speech at Unimus some time ago. The categories and schemes of research include Basic Research, Applied Research and Capacity Improvement Research. Menawhile, the schemes for community services vary, from IbM to Public Learning and Empowerment Student Community Service (KKN) Program.
Moreover, Prof Ocky stated that, “Researches and community services in higher education institutions are directed to: a) bring into reality the excellence of researches and community services in higher education institutions; b) enhance the competences of higher education institutions on national and international levels; c) increase the number of lecturers/researchers who conduct quality researches and community services, d) improve the managerial capacities of researches and community services in higher education institutions; and e) support higher education institutions’ potency in order to sustain the areal growth.
Overall, the number of Unimus’ lecturers who received research and community service grants has increased significantly in 2017 compared to that in the previous years. The grants are distributed evenly in various schemes and study programs and faculties. And, the most grants are awarded to the lecturers of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, covering totally 55 schemes in researches and 11 in community services. Good work. For the Nation, and also especially Unimus, to become a more and more excellent campus. (Gus/admin)