Semarang │Oath-taking ceremony or Capping Day is the early stage for Nursing and Midwifery students that they have to take before practicing in medical clinics, hospitals, or other health providers, as a preparation to entering the professional world. It is what 248 students of Unimus Faculty of Health and Nursing Sciences, consisting of 75 students of D3 Program in Nursing, 161 students of Undergraduate Program in Nursing and 12 students of D3 Program in Midwifery, have just dealt with. They attended a Capping Day and General Lecture themed “Building Humanistic Characteristic and Professional Health Providers in Disruptive Era” This annual agenda was organised by Undergraduate Program in Nursing and Midwifery. This event was organised in Grasia Hotel Semarang on Wednesday (24/04/2019) participated by the Dean of Fikkes, Dr. Budi Santosa., M.Si.Med, Program Heads and Secretary within Fikkes Unimus, representatives of professional organisation (Indonesian National Nurses Association and Indonesian Midwives Association), students, and parents.
The agenda was opened by Dr. Budi Santosa., M.Si.Med. The event was opened by Dr. Budi Santosa., M.Si.Med., who stated that the oath-taking ceremony became a momentum to boost the spirit and comprehensions dealing with the primary duty and function of a nurse and a midwife who would in the future directly serve the society. “The oath-taking momentum should become a foundation to improve their performances as nurses and midwives. As health workers, you should keep the oath that has been taken, such as by keeping the patients’ credential information,” he added
During the procession, the students were taking the oath about obligations that they had to deal with as efforts to provide services to the patients. Details of the oath consisted oaths to not discriminate patients, to put in the first place the patients and keep their confidential information. The procession was witnessed by some religious leaders and the Dean of Unimus Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences. In the event, an official capping ceremony for female students and a symbolic pin attaching ceremony by the head of the study programs were also held.
General Lecture delivered by Dian Ratna Sawitri, S.Psi, M.Psi, Ph.D
Oath-taking ceremony was continued by general lecture themed “Building Humanistic Characteristic and Professional Health Providers in Disruptive Era” inviting an outstanding speaker, Dian Ratna Sawitri, S.Psi, M.Psi, Ph.D. She shared tips and tricks of success by developing humanist aspect and good communication skill. “Career development strategy that should be owned by students is to involve many aspect especially proactive characteristic, willingness to accept someone else’s feedback, not afraid of failure, learn from career success story, own role model, obvious objective and keep a good communication especially with parents.” she said. “Being a health provider, someone should do it professionally. In performing the responsibility, professional health provider should have strong commitment, do not ignore the patients due to technology existence. In contrast, how to optimize technology to serve patients.” she added. Through this event, Unimus expects to create professional and excellent nurses and midwives in terms of science, skills, and Islam.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol