left to right: Andari Puji Astuti, S.Pd, M.Pd (moderator), Ayu Noviani Hanum, M.Si (Organizer of HPMI of Unimus), Sylmia Pramiana, S.Pd (Owner of Somol Production) aand Yafie M. Noer (marketing comunication of madhang.id)

Semarang | (April 28, 2018) Chemical Education Student Association (Himadikmia) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an entrepreneurship seminar for college and high school students on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Theme of the seminar was “Creating a Creative and Unlimited Entrepreneurship Spirit”. Becoming the invited speakers were Yafie M. Noer (Marketing Communication of madhang.id), Sylmia Pramiana, S.Pd (Owner of Somol Production) and Ayu Noviani Hanum, M.Si (Organizer of Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) at Unimus). Held in the hall of Unimus Nursing Research Center building, the seminar was moderated by Andari Puji Astuti, S.Pd., M.Pd.

“The seminar is held to facilitate young generations to improve their entrepreneurial skill with their own creativities,” Dewi Setiyaningrum, 4th semester student of Chemistry Education Study Program and the committee chairman, stated. “The number of participants is 150, consisting of those from and outside Unimus, students from senior/vocational high schools, and public in general,” she added.

Yafie M. Noer from Madhang Indonesia, delivering tips to succeed a business using gadget through application

The seminar was opened by Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd., the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. She stated that “…a graduate from Undergraduate Program of Chemical Education doesn’t always need to be a teacher. But there are 4 important points. They are to become a chemical educator, an educator for environment, an entrepreneur, and a researcher. “Entrepreneurship is a part of the vision of Chemistry Education program, for education will be successful if there a determined passion, interest, and talent. Entrepreneurship creates a thrust for the students. Entrepreneur gives new color of spirit for high school and college students,” she added. “90% of successes in the world belong to entrepreneurship,” Dr. Eny ended.

Participants of the seminar looks enthusiatic to ask questions in the discussion session

The seminar’s speakers shared tips to succeed a business and start a business at the young age. Sylmia, as the Owner of Somol Production and the first-generation alumnus of Chemical Education program at Unimus shared the secrets of her liquid business, including dishwashing liquid, fabric softener, perfume, etc. Sylmia has started Somol Production since when she had a chemical practice in the campus. Then, she has developed it into various innovations. “To succeed the business and attract consumers, we have to make the product look stand out, e.g. the products’ packages should be made attracting. The marketing should be good as well and the price should also be competitive with keeping the quality of the product. A business needs also to take into account every criticism and input from the costumers,” Sylmia explained. Meanwhile, Yafie M. Noer shared some business strategy by utilizing gadget, like what had been done by “Madhang Indonesia”. “To succeed a business, some aspects need to be taken into account, such as how transform a creative idea into a great product, how to create a distinctive product, how make an eye-catching product, and how to promote a product” Yafie explained. “Find a simple idea to develop your business by involving the closest family or friends,” she added.

The seminar and discussion has run well. The participants were involved actively, asking various uestions. They revealed that the seminar was great. “The knowledge is very useful, and able to open the mind and becoming motivation to be a successful young entreprenour” one of the participants from a state university in Yogyakarta said.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol

