Semarang | Discussing about DNA or Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid becomes the main material in assisting law  enforcement agencies investigation. Profiling DNA using genetic molecular method to identify DNA sample phenotype to distinguish the DNA of one person to another so that it can assist the law enforcement agencies to any criminal investigation. For instance, finding for missing person, identifying victim of disaster, crime victim and paternity test.


“Criminal investigation frequently consists of biological evidence material such as blood, hair, saliva, and skin, sometimes can be extracted to get someone’s DNA. If the DNA profil found is similar to suspected DNA profil, then someone is suspected of a crime. In contrast, if the DNA is different, then his/her name is no longer in the list,” expressed Kurdianto, M.Si, one of the speaker from PT Sciencewerke in the Workshop entitled “Investigasi Jejak Kriminal”, on Saturday (30/03/2019) in Health Laboratory Building of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus).

This event was organized by the Undergraduate program of D4 Health Analist in Unimus and was
participated by more than 75 participants consisting students, staff, and lecturers. Andri Sukeksi, SKM, M.Si. as the Head of Department attended the event and opened the agenda. She said that by having this workshop about Criminal Investigation would improve knowledge about DNA and criminal investigation. “This Workshop about criminal investigation using DNA Finger Analysis of Three Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) is expected improve and increase knowledge about criminal investigation, and I do expect that this material will be beneficial for us,” she ended. This events was held for two days (30-31 March 2019) with theories in the first day and implementation/practice in the second day in Laboratory of Moleculer Biology.



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