Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Central Executive Board in the 54 Anniversary celebration of IMM of Unimus

UNIMUS | Semarang | To celebrate the 54th anniversary of Muhammadiyah Students Association (Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah/IMM), Unimus held a national seminar entitled “IMM’s Roles in Building Civilized Society towards Sovereign Indonesia”. The event was held on Saturday, March 3, 2018 with a keynote speaker from Muhammadiyah Youth, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak (chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Central Executive Board). Taking place in Semarang Extraordinary School (SLB) building, the national seminar was attended by participants from various circles, including students both from and outside Unimus.

Dahnil Anzar, during his speech, stated that the genuine da’wah (preaching) was exemplary. How can the words of a person, say a preacher, be listened if he doesn’t have good morality and behave appropriately. “Thus, exemplary becomes an important factor of preaching. He explained further that Muhammadiyah had implemented work ethics, culture, and spirit of surah Al–‘Ashr, emphasized by KH Ahmad Dahlan, the founding father of Muhammadiyah. He stated that there were 4 important messages taken from surah Al-‘Asr. “They are faith, righteous deeds, lecture on the truth, and patience.”

Dahnil Anzar is delivering a material on the Role of IMM to Build a Civilized Sociery towards Indonesia with Sovereignty

He added that one that needed to be done by Muhammadiyah Students Association to make tausiyah (Islamic lecture) and Muhammadiyah movement become acceptable was religiosity (pure tawheed and high morals), Intellectuality (tradition of reading and writing), and Humanity. Dahnil Anzar also explained the audience about some things he had read in a book “Why Nations Fail” that “there is no poor or rich nations, but well-managed and poorly-managed nations. The key is that the development of a nation is determined by the civilization of the people. Thus, the primary key towards Indonesia with sovereignty is the people with developed culture,” he added.

Drs. Samsudi Rahardjo, M.M.,M.T. (Vice Rector III of Unimus) is delivering a speech in the National Seminar

Several senior figures such as Drs. Samsudi Rahardjo, M.M., M.T. (Vice Rector III of Unimus) and Drs. Wahyudi, M.Pd. (member of Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java) attended the event. On that occasion, Drs. Samsudi expected the collaboration between Muhammadiyah Students Association and some Student Creativity Units as well as Tapak Suci Martial Art. “Muhammadiyah Students Association members should be able to become leaders and show achievements so that they can instinctively improve their qualities and be references at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang,” he said.

Meanwhile, Drs. Wahyudi explained in his speech that Muhammadiyah Students Association was the first party that initiated the building and empowerment of children in Indonesia. Hence, Muhammadiyah students needed to focus and be committed to the organization of Muhammadiyah Students Association. “First things first, equip ourselves with abilities before plunging into politics so that we will not be dictated by others. So that we can be independent,” stated Wahyudi. According to him, with autonomy, Indonesian people can become sovereign, especially in economics. (awd/public-relations)

Wahyudi during the opening ceremony of the National Seminar of the 54th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah Students Association



Situation during the National Seminar to celebrate the 54th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah Students Association

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
