Semarang, October 30, 2017 To celebrate the 71st anniversary, Central Java Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (Ditjen Perbendaharaan Jawa Tengah) held a general lecture at Unimus, attended by 1st and 3rd semester students of Accounting program at Unimus. Mr. Mirza Efendy (head of Central Java Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury, Dr. Hardi Winoto, S.E., M.Si. (Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Unimus) and R. Ery Wibowo Agung Santosa, S.E.,M.Si.Ak., CA. (Head of Accounting Program at Unimus) also attended the event. Themed “Ministry of Economics Affairs Teaches”, the event was aimed to be one of the Ministry of Economics Affairs attempts to share knowledge to students, the next generations, that will be the future managers of the state income funds or the State Budget (APBN).

Mirza Efendi in his speech stated that the event also became the follow up of an MoU between Unimus and Central Java Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury. “The Directorate General of Treasury is not only about state finances but also keen to share knowledge with the students regarding to the State Budget” he revealed. “The state’s resources don’t only deal with human and natural resources but also the other kind of resource, which is financial resource. Financial resource, which becomes the state income and will be then used according to the needs of the state, regions, or areas throughout Indonesia, is the State Budget, how to manage and supervise its use. Besides, some of problems concerning the State Budget and Finances is limitedness that need to be taken care of carefully. Thus, college students are demanded to become generations that can replace the position of the State finance officials as well as managers of the State budgets in the future,” he asserted.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics also added that the State Budget was a crucial matter that needed to be protected strictly by those who were really responsible for it. “The economic growth of a country would be rapid if proper care and management are taken into account. Funds that have been collected in a country should be distributed to the society through either regional or local governments, which surely need to be supervised during the distribution and allotment processes, in order to be right on target. The state’s fund can be used to build infrastructure nationally and regionally, e.g. roadworks that can help enhance the nation’s economic growth,” Dr. Hardiwinoto explained. He also said that comparative studies by students both domestically and abroad were needed, aiming to get needed insights in order to help get academic achievements as well as improve their imaginations that would be inspiring while working either individually or in a team.