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Ns. Nikmatul Khayati, M.Kep Sebagai Moderator pada kuliah pakar prodi keperawatan
Ns. Nikmatul Khayati, M.Kep as the Moderator in the Expert Lecture of Nursing

Semarang | November 4, 2016 Study Programs of Nursing (Diploma III in Nursing, Undergraduate Degree in Nursing, and Nurse Professional Program), Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences  (FIKKES), Unimus, held an expert lecture entitled “The Management of Emergencies of Eclampsia Patients”, with a guest speaker, Prof. Dra. Setyowati, S.Kp., M.App,Sc., Ph.D. in Room 408, NRC Building. The event was also attended the Vice Rector II (Dr. Hj. Sri Rejeki, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat.), the Head of Nurse Professional Program (Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho, M.Kep.) and students of the study programs.

Moderated by Ns. Nikmatul Khayati, M.Kep., Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho, M.Kep. gave a welcome speech to open the event, stating that he hoped that through the expert lecture the students could get a lesson as well as dig deeply the knowledge about nursing sciences that matched with the theme “The Management of Emergencies of Eclampsia Patients”, in regard to eclampsia as one of the major causes of Mother Mortality Rate (MMR) of pregnant and postpartum women (1 per 100 childbirths) and of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) per 1000 childbirths in Indonesia.

Kaprodi Profesi Ners (Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho, M.Kep.)  memberikan sambutan
Head of Professional Program in Nursing (Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho, M.Kep.) Giving a Speech

Meanwhile, prior to giving her expert lecture, Prof. Dra. Setyowati, S.Kp., M.App,Sc., Ph.D. stated that according to her observations, nursing education at the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang this time had been excellent, while hoping that the Diploma III in Nursing, Undergraduate Degree in Nursing, and Nurse Professional Program could keep prosperous within the field.

Reported by UPT Kehumasan & JIPC
