Semarang |  Saturday (04/08/2018) Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) at Unimus held inauguration and socialization as  Community Service entitled “Empowered Family” as Dental Profession Education Program. It is located at Oral and Dental Hospital (RSGM) of Unimus which were attended by Head of Sendangmulyo Village, Nuridin, S.E. and its local people.



Meanwhile, drg. Budiono, M.Pd as the Dean of FKG Unimus stated that empowered family that was formed by Dental Profession Education program is a program supporting togetherness. “It is along with our Constitution 1945. If we’d like to see our surrounding, it is quite odd if people around Unimus vicinity have lower dental health awareness. Thus, this program is the manifestation of our community service to increase people’s awareness about their dental and oral health.” He added.



Budiono also explained that to build someone’s awareness of dental and oral care must be started from the smallest unit, such as family. “In this year, we are going to provide oral and dental care to families through community service program. In its implementation, one family would be monitored by one dentist and 4 students from Faculty of Dentistry. Then, once in a month, dentists and their team will visit the family.



Today, Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus focuses on problems related to oral and dental care. In addition, it is possible to collaborate with another study programs such as midwifery, nutritionist, nurses, and so forth to conduct Community  service in order to enhance people’s knowledge and awareness about health.


