Participants from SMAN 2 Semarang presented their Scientific Work at LKTI competition

Semarang │Unimus (20/08/2018) For High School students, scientific work is very popular. That is why there are so many creative and innovative scientific work produced by High School students. However, a few of them are not really interested in creating scientific work because creating scientific works is complicated and difficult. Thus, to facilitate High School students in producing innovative and creative works, Faculty of Public Health proudly presented Scientific Writing Composition (LKTI) for National High School Level. Their extraordinary projects would be evaluated by their readiness and well-prepared performance in presenting their scientific works about “Teenager’s Role to Engage in Public Health” in the Integrated Health Laboratory building on Monday, 20 August 2018.

SMAN 2 Semarang, the first winner of LKTI took a picture with teachers and Dean of FKM

In this special occasion, Dean of FKM Unimus stated “This competition (LKTI) is an annual event and this year is the second one. Luckily this event could be carried out objectively by competent and independent juries.” In addition the Dean of FKM also highlighted the teachers to support and develop their students’ creativity to compete in the higher level of similar competition. The Chairperson of the Committee, Astuti Indri Purwanti, M.Kes. added that this competition was designed to form students’ creativity and intelectuality. ” LKTI competition aims at developing students interest and stimulate scientific skill. Besides, lecturers of FKM can also get the benefit from this activity to train themselves to give review to any kinds of research. Last but not least, it can be used as the tools to promote Unimus to many people,” Indri ended.

At least 15 teams from 5 Senior High Schools in Central Java participated in this Scientific Writing Competition. Upon the rigid selection, five tough teams survived. Those who got the best score after review process by the juries.”All finalist has done their great performance and can bring their schools institution in fame. Hopefully, they keep struggling and trying to create better scientific works,” said Mifbahudin.

SMA Kebon Dalem Semarang, the third winner took picture with teachers and reviewer team from FKM Unimus

The best scientific writing is from SMA N 2 Semarang led by Ainaya Azka Faradis by extraordinary article entitled “Pemanfaatan Limbah Minyak Jelantah dan Plastik dalam Proses Pembuatan Lilin Aromaterapi Guna Meningkatkan Kesehatan Masyarakat”, while the second winner went to another team from SMAN 2 Semarang led by Reynold Valentino entitled “Rossen Drink: Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Bunga Rosella dan Daun Kersen sebagai Minuman Herbal Antioksi dan Pencegah Hipertensi dan Diabetes Mellitus”, then the third winner was from SMA Kebon Dalem led by Rafael Wijaya by the article entitled “Pemanfaatan Teknologi Hologram Tiga Dimensi Guna Peningkatan Pemahaman Generasi Muda terhadap Bahaya Rokok dan Narkoba”. In this occasion, the first consolation prize winner went to team from SMAN 2 Semarang led by Annisa Salsabila through the article entitled “Gesit: Gerakan Siswa Anti Narkoba sebagai Wujud Remaja Pelopor Antinarkoba”, and the second consolation prize winner went to team from SMA Islam Sultan Agung I Semarang led by Dyta Aviani Salvatera entitled “Tidak Berbagai A3M (Alat Makan, Makanan dan Minuman).

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol


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