Semarang | In order to overcome health problems in Indonesia, human resources own vital role. Thus, Indonesia needs more people in health sector who master public health paradigm and able to implement the intervention of environment, human habits and life style factors as well as the Public Health Service. That is why, Faculty of Public Health in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) organised workshop on curriculum 2019-2020 as a reinforcement in Undergraduate Program of Public Health and prepare the plan of establishing Master Degree that was held on Saturday (23/11/2019).


An agenda held in Labkes Building of Unimus was participated by society of academicians in FKM, stakeholders, and users. This workshop was proudly presented Dr. Yuliani Setyaningsih, SKM, M.Kes that explained about “Kesehatan Masyarakat di Era Industri 4”. Previously, Dr. Sayono, SKM, M.Kes (Epid) as the Head of the Undergraduate Program of Public Health elaborated the early curriculum. Dean of FKM, Mifbakhuddin, S.K.M., M.Kes. also attended to give his welcoming speech. He said that the workshop was not only designed for curriculum reinforcement but also to prepare for the re-accreditation. “This agenda was held to improve learning quality based on LAM PT-Kes and Dikti demands that curriculum needs to be designed as active as possible. Furthermore, Rector expected that Master Degree in this Department should be immediately established.” He explained.

The agenda was proceeded to discussion and hear input from stakeholders and users for curriculum reinforcement in Undergraduate Program of Public Health and preparation for Master Degree Establishment (it was moderated by Didik Sumanto, S.K.M., M.Kes., lecturer of FKM), then it was ended by discussion and input from Alumni and users.


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