Semarang | On Saturday (06/10/2018) and located in RSGM Hall of Unimus, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unimus organized the 2nd Edusaintek National Seminar. Presenting four keynote speakers such as Dr. rer.nat Asep Supriyatna, M.Si (Lesson Study), Dr. Andri Johandri (Big Data and Science Data), Afif Zunaidi (IT Manager in Telkomsel Regional Jateng & DIY), and Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd (Dean of FMIPA Unimus – Educational and Evaluation Research), this seminar embraced interesting theme such as “Implementasi Lesson Study Berbasis ICT Menuju Era Revolusi Industri 4.0” (The Implementation of ICT-Based Lesson Study to Welcome Industry Revolution Era 4.0). Whereas, this seminar covers several studies such as Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Education, Humanities and Religion, Social Economy and Psychology, Technique and Engineering, and Health as well.
Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd as the Rector of Unimus also attended this agenda. In his hilarious speech, he stated that in disruption era, Blended Learning is significant. Blended learning a.k.a Hybrid Learning is kind of learning methods that is combined by face-to-face learning and virtual learning. This development should be adapted not only by the students, but teachers, lecturers and educators. “By the rapid development of technology, many educators are frequently being criticized by their students, because by only one click students can search or track directly in internet when teacher explains during the teaching learning process.” He added.
The Rector also elaborated that educator should have the ability to perform role play. Teaching is not only a matter of transferring knowledge but also act as stimulator. “No matter how sophisticated the technology is, educators’ role is absolutely unchangeable especially in transferring knowledge, value, and sharing spirit of science education role.” He ended.
This seminar was attended by 368 persons consisting 249 presenters, 89 participants, and 30 participants of best practice in academic writing competition from various institutions in Indonesia. Abdul Azis, M.Pd, the chair of committee stated that this seminar aimed at creating 21st outstanding learning method in to make students, teachers, and lecturers technology-literate. National Seminar was ended by the announcement of the champions of academic writing for High School teachers.