Semarang │(04Semarang | June 4, 2017, Students of the Undergraduate Program in Chemical Education, Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) gets a national-scale academic achievement. Student Association of Unimus Chemical Education (Himadikmia) receives a grant of the Village Development Grant Program (Program Hibah Bina Desa-PHBD) funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti). Their proposal entitled “Pro Environtmental Agent to Realize Ecotourism Village of Pickles” has made Himadikmia represent Unimus in the national-level competition, defeating thousands of other participants from many institutions throughout Indonesia. For the record, the selection was held in in three stages. And, with guidance from Eko Yuliyanto, S.Pd., M.Si., the team became one of 75 teams whose proposals were accepted, from totally 2.891 teams submitting proposals.
The team consists of 7 students of Chemical Education Program, such as Mahardian M. Firdaus (second semester student), Ari Sutono and Marita Mulaningrum (fourth semester students), Lia Herlina, Puki Setyowati, Nevi Zawa, and Putri Rochayati (sixth semester students). The team leader stated the PHBD proposal developed from Environmental Chemistry course yang aimed at encouraging the development of Pickles-producing Village (Desa Asinan) in Semarang Regency in order to become an ecotourist village. The role of the team will be to become a pro-environment agent, manifested in some activities, such as: Utilizing plastic waste to create various products, setting up hydroponic garden, utilizing water hyacinth to create compost fertilizer, and creating bicycles from gallons.
The Village Development Grant Program that will be done shows that academic activities can be blended with community services as a part of the Four Obligations at Unimus.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.