Semarang (October 24, 2017), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held the ceremony of the 27th graduation located in Merbabu Grand Ball Room, Semarang. The ceremony began with an open senate meeting led by the Chairman of the Senate (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd), also the Rector of Unimus, before 1014 graduates including 250 graduates of profession programs (nursing and medicine), 322 graduates of undergraduate programs, 289 graduates of Diploma IV programs, and 153 graduates of Diploma IV programs. Several important figures attended the event, such as Prof. Dr. H. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, MA (Council of Higher Education, Research, and Development of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board), Prof. Dr. Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, M.Pd., Kons. (Coordinator of the Coordination of Private Higher Education Institutions of Area VI/Kopertis VI), Prof. Dr. Yusuf Suyono, M.A. (Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java), Dr. Ummul Baroroh, M.Ag. (Chairman of Aisyiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java), Daily Advisory Board of Unimus, and invited guests including civilian and military officers, heads of hospitals, leaders of educational institutions, and representatives of government agencies, private institutions, and banks.

Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector I of Unimus), in her report, stated that the 27th graduation ceremony was attended by graduates from 8 faculties and 22 study programs. Among those, 15 university’s best students had been selected. They were Susilo Utomo (Profession Program in Nursing) with GPA 4.00; Winda Wahyu Ikaputri Sulistyaningrum (Profession Program in Medicine) with GPA 3.75; Susanna Anindya Permatasari (Undergraduate Program in Public Health) with GPA 3.66; Yoga Wahyu Murti Utomo (Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering) with GPA 3.43; Arianto Wijaya (Undergraduate Program in Statistics) with GPA 3.75; Rahayu Widyawati (Undergraduate Program in Nursing) with GPA 3.45; Eftalisa Kurnia (Undergraduate Program in Nutrition Science) with GPA 3.84; Juni Rahwanti (Undergraduate Program in Mathematics Education) with GPA 3.82; Banjar Putri Kumala (Undergraduate Program in English Education) with GPA 3.76; Tri Utari Sari Dewi (Undergraduate Program in Dentistry) with GPA 3.93; Anis Okhimiasih (Diploma IV in Health Analyst) with GPA 3.87; Kholifiana Maulida (Diploma III in Nursing) with GPA 3.68; Mustakim (Diploma III in Nutrition) with GPA 3.98; Nanda Egi Priadi (Diploma III in Health Analyst) with GPA 3.83; Linda Novita Sari (Diploma III in Midwifery) with GPA 3.52. Vice Rector I also expected supports and prayers from all the community members for the success of the establishment of Profession Program in Midwifery and some postgraduate programs. “Today, we are preparing to establish a Profession Program in Midwifery and some postgraduate programs, which are Postgraduate Program in Nursing, Postgraduate Program in Public Health and Postgraduate Program in Medical Laboratory Technology. Thus, we need you supports and prayers to that the decrees from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education can be immediately issued” Dr. Sri Darmawati stated in the report.

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. as the Rector of Unimus in his welcome speech congratulated the graduates for finishing their studies at Unimus and also the parents of the students for having entrusted Unimus as the educational institution of their children. He adviced the graduates to be the cadres of sciences, religion, and community development. He also mention a fact that Unimus also attempted to improve its quality in improving the infrastructure, such as by constructing buildings that would support learning activities. “Please give your supports and pray for Unimus, because we are now constructing a dental and oral hospital that will support learning activities and be useful for the society. We are also constructing a 7-storey building of the Faculty of Medicine and a multipurpose building designed for meetings and sports with capacity of 3000 people in the integrated campus. Unimus also provides a place for students who are Quran reciters by building Tahfidzul Quran Islamic boarding school” Prof. Masrukhi explained.

Prof. Dr. H. DYP Sugiharto, M.A. in his speech expressed his appreciation to Unimus for its advancement in the past two decades, especially since under the leadership of Prof. Masrukhi. “One of Unimus’ successes is being accredited B for the institutional accreditation. Also, 20 study programs at Unimus have been accredited B, even one of those are accredited A. We have to be proud of it, for accreditation is the legal parameter of graduates produced.” On the occasion, he also expressed his support to Unimus’ plan of establishing postgraduate programs. “There are three postgraduate programs that are being proposed to be established by Unimus. Hopefully, the decree of each can be immediately issued, so that in the academic year 2018/2019 the can be opened, i.e. (postgraduate programs in) Public Health, Medical Laboratory, and Nursing. In 2019, the establishment of the postgraduate programs is a must,” he asserted.
Source: Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.