Rector of Unimus welcomed and gave direction to freshmen 2018

Semarang │UNIMUS (04/09/2018) Rector and Vice Rectors of Unimus welcomed and inaugurated new students in Public Senate Meeting to admit new students in Academic Year 2017/2018. A total of 2.468 students were admitted by Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) participated in the Organisation and Study Program Orientation (Orasi) in the integrated campus of Unimus in Japan Kedungmundu Semarang.

Those new students will engage in 5-day orientation from 04-07 September 2018 and will be closed by inauguration evening on Saturday, 08 September 2018. Another agenda for new students consist of Orasi that will be held by University, Faculty and Study Program level), and Masa Taaruf (Masta) orientation for two days starting from 05-07 September 2017. Rector and Vice Rectors symbolically put on the alma mater jacket and give student card to the representative of new student. New students of Unimus also recited students’ oath as the indication of their readiness in facing new life as college student.

Rector put alma mater jacket on representatives of new students symbolically

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi said that students’ orientation in Unimus was organised and designed as fun and attractive agenda without any violence of hard physical activity. “This orientation period is conducted to get new students ready to welcome and become university students by knowing the environment well, including Islamic campus atmosphere. It is expected that all freshmen can study well and happy to optimise their potential by the guidance and service provided by the lecturers and administration staff,” he added. Finally, Rector hoped that all new students actively participate in orientation and adapt well.

New student recited student’s oathReported by Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol


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