Japan is one of the top destinations for work and many graduates dream to work there. In order to realise their dream, they need to prepare everything well, especially Japanese mastery skill. One of the prerequisite of working in Japan someone must pass N4 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). To follow up this, Unimus in collaboration with Hamamatsu Japan and PT Seafer Sumberdaya to organise Japanese language course, especially for alumni. Previosly, the MoU and MoA between Unimus and PT Seaferer were established. Thus, on Wednesday (22/1/2020) Mr. Shinya Sinji from Hamamatsu Japan arrived at Unimus and will teach Japanese for 6 months. In the introduction session, Dean and Vice Dean I Fikkes, Vice Dean FT, Head of Undergraduate Program of Nursing, Head of D3 Nursing, Head of Nursing Profession Program, Head of Undergraduate Program of Electronic Engineering, Head of Unimus Career Development Center, Head of Muhammadiyah Language Center, and Director of International Relation Officer.

The introduction was proceeded to campus orientation by visiting laboratories and classrooms used to conduct Japanese language course. The presence of Japanese Native Speaker in Unimus is expected assist alumni in preparing their Japanese language skill mastery. Dean of FIKKES Unimus, Dr. Ali Rosidi, SKM, M.Si remarked that mastering Japanese language will lead Unimus alumni to have one positive point. “If you master and able to speak Japanese, you can beat your competitors in work interviews.” He ended

Furthermore, Dean of FT Unimus Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, S.T., M.Si., IPP discussed about what requirements that need to be fulfilled by alumni or students of Engineering Faculty to work in Japanese companies.


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