Semarang | (15/01/2020) Data play significant role in our life, since by analysing data we can determine any appropriate decision based on facts instead of assumption. However, nowadays not every institution manage its data well so it will not contribute anything to any business development. Regarding to this, the Undergraduate Program of Informatics Engineering Unimus held National Seminar on “Data Science Talk” entitled “Artificial Intelligence & Big Data in Health Informatics”. This event was conducted on Wednesday (15/01/2020) and participated by several health institutions, communities and practitioners in Central Java. This event invited speaker from Semarang Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang), dr. Moch Abdul Hakam, Sp.PD, Data Scientist & Tech Expert at Telkom Indonesia Joy Gabriel S.S.I.,M.T.I, Lecturer of FK-KMK Universitas Gadjah Mada, Anis Fuad, S.Ked., DEA and was officially opened by Dean of Faculty of Engineering Unimus, Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan W, M.Si., IPM and attended by Head, lecturers, and students of FT and other Faculties in Unimus. The aim of the event was to collaborate computer science, especially Informatics, in the form of Big Data, thus it will provide accurate information from medical records or statistics data.

This seminar opened new insights of the significance of science produced by the rapid development of technology in digitalisation and industrial revolution 4.0. At that time, Dean of FT Unimus, Dr. Bagus Irawan explained that this National Seminar was also used as promoting media that Unimus establish new study program, Undergraduate Program of Informatics.

The speaker explained that the application of Data Science in health technology will bring positive impact. For instance, it will help early detection of several diseases, fraud risk in health insurance, provide more accurate data, and many more.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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