Semarang | (05/03/2019) Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) organised Workshop of Research Proposal Writing for Funding year Kemenristekdikti 2020 for Unimus lecturers. This event was conducted in NRC Hall of Unimus participated by hundred of lecturers in Unimus. It aimed to improve lecturers’ ability to write good research proposal and to optimize the research grant chance of acceptance. Thus, lecturers need to think about the focused research and community service proposal workshop to train themselves.

Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. attended to the event to give his welcoming speech. He said that one of lecturer’s professional job descripton is to conduct research that result in text book, reference, copyrights, and patent. “By conducting research, lecturer absolutely makes self-improvement to themselves. If their research proposals do not accepted by DRPM (Directorate Research and Community Services), they can pass internal selection from Unimus, or independent funding. Although, the amount is not relatively big.

Dr. Muhtadi, M.Si, reviewer of Dikti Research Grant, was the speaker of the workshop and this event was moderated by Siti Aminah, S.TP., M.Si. (Head of Research & Community Service and Intellectual Property Rights Division in LPPM Unimus). From 2018, Unimus accepted IDR 4,21 Billion from Kemenristekdikti that consist of IDR 3,53 billion for research grant (47 research proposals) and IDR Rp 675 million for community service grant (11 proposals). This achievement is relatively increase 19,57% from 2017 respectively.


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