Semarang | Wise man say that books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill. It open someone’s knowledge and information, especially for students. For that reason, Midwifery Diploma III of Unimus organized book Review on Friday, 10 August 2018. Attending in this special events, the distinguished speaker who write “Khusus penyakit Kritis, komplikasi dan kedaruratan”, Dr. Melyana Nurul Widyawati, SSiT, M.Kes in the Hall of NRC Building at Unimus. This agenda was opened by the Dean of Faculty of Nursing and Health Science (FIKKES), Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Kes.Med, and was attended by the Head of Midwifery Program, Dewi Puspitaningrum, S.Si.T, M.Kes, lecturers and students.
This events was held in order to enhance academic culture and literacy. In addition it was also expected to open students’ mind about academic knowledge and realize the importance of reading books (in conventional way) that in which many people at this digital era prefer not to do. This is due to all information needed can be simply accessed by only one click. The Dean stated in his welcoming speech that by reading books, it will help people to know more information and it can broaden their knowledge. Besides, many references needed by midwifery students can be gained through reading.