Semarang │(September 16, 2017) Diploma III in Midwifery, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (Fikkes), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) in cooperation with the 118 Emergency Ambulance Foundation (Yayasan Ambulance Gawat Darurat 118) held a training of Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care or Midwifery Emergency Course (MEC). The training started on September 15 and will end on September 17, 2017, in the Nursing Research Center (NRC) building, Unimus. Agustin Rahmawati, SSiT, M.Kes., the committee chairman, stated that the number of registered participants were 40 people, consisting of students, alumni, and midwives from various cities and towns in Central Java province. In the event, five trainers, consisting of one obstetrician–gynecologist, one pediatrician, and three midwives from the 118 Emergency Ambulance Foundation 118. “The training is aimed at improving the competencies of knowledge, manner, and skills of midwives in dealing with the obstetric and newborn care. The training is in line with the study program’s vision, which is to be an excellent study program at obstetric and newborn care” she explained.

The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Tri Hartiti, M.Kes., the Vice Dean II of Fikkes, Dewi Puspitaningrum, S.Si.T, M.Kes, the head of the Study Program of Diploma III in Midwifery and the academicians. Dr. Tri Hartiti S.Kp., M.Kep., the Vice Dean II of Fikkes at Unimus. In her greeting stated that cooperation between Unimus and Ambulance 118 has been established since 2003. This training would be able to improve and upgrade the knowledge on Maternal Emergency for health workers. “Emergency competencies learned in the training can be used to company the graduation letter as well as apply for a job. Midwives with the obstetric and newborn care competences are expected to be capable of giving proper cares of the community,” she stated.

“As a midwife who should be able to provide good services to the patients, no matter where she was, she should think smartly, as well as do correct assessments and accomplish every job she has nicely, so that there will be no delay that cause a problem. After completing the training, the participants will not only get a certificate but also knowledge how to be a real provider who are really able to find out and understand every investigated condition,” Dr. Reghinta Yasmeen, SpOG, the coordinator of MEC trainers, explained. At the end of the three-day training, the participants will have got materials, such as theories and practices of emergency cares, which aims at improving their ability to deal with the maternity emergency care. Those materials in detail include basic life support, airway breathing management, eclampsia management, postpartum bleeding, trauma, and prenatal shock managements. The participants will also be given materials about emergency newborn managements, such as neonatal asphyxia, neonatal resuscitation, etc.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.