Semarang │March 9, 2017 University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) received the visit of the staff of the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Central Java Province and the Coordination of Private Higher Education Institutions Area VI of Central Java Province (Kopertis Wilayah VI Jawa Tengah). The visit was done dealing with the monitoring and evaluation of Bidikmisi scholarship received by Unimus’ students. Bidikmisi scholarship is a type of aids for college students with high academic potency from low income families in order to help paying the tuition fees so that they could study in favorite study programs and then graduate on time.

The visit was received by the Vice Rector III (Vice Rector for Student Affairs (Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, M.T.) and the Head of Bureau of Academic Administration and Student Affairs (Rosita Lihasari., S.Sos., M.Si.). The event was held as an effort of evaluating and making sure that the program has ran well. Mrs. Umi and Mrs. Sundari as the representatives of BPKP explained that “the program is held to make sure that the scholarship has been right on target in terms of amount, recipient, time and utilization.
By today, the recipients of Bidikmisi scholarship at the Unimus are as many as 22 students, from 12 study programs. Unimus has facilitated academically outstanding prospective students from low income families to get the government-provided scholarship in form of Bidikmisi. For the record, the program has been applied at the university since 2013.
Result of the evaluation by BPKP and Kopertis showed that the program has ran well. Each of the recipients were encouraged to improve the GPA and expected to become academically outstanding college student.
One of the recipients, who has 3.79 GPA stated that the scholarship program has been helpful so much for young generations to achieve their future goals. In the future, it is hoped that more and more students will get Bidikmisi scholarship so that they can get more and more achievements and make the university proud.
Reportd by the Technical Unit of Public Relations & Protocol