Bangkok Ι (31/05/2019), Internationalisation in disruptive era is absolute necessity in higher education institution nowadays. Referring to that, Dean of Fikkes Unimus, Dr. Budi Santosa, MSi.Med and Director of International Relation Officer of Unimus, Muhammad Yusuf, PhD initiated academic visit to distinguished universities in Thailand such as Mahidol University and Chulalongkorn University.
On 30 May 2019, a day before, Dr Budi Santosa MSi.Med visited as speakers in The 6th Conggress of Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Science themed “Breakthrough in Medical Technology” conducted in Pattaya Thailand, representing The Indonesian Association of Medical Laboratory Technologist (PATELKI).
This opportunity, Dean of Fikkes met the Dean of Faculty of Medical Technology in Mahidol University, Prof. Dr Chartchalerm Isanarankura Na Ayudhya and Asst Prof Dr Chotiros Plablueng (Deputy Dean for International Relations and Education). In that meeting, they discussed about having the opportunity of conducting short course program for post graduate students of TLM Unimus to Mahidol University, Teleconference Lecture and Doctoral Scholarship Program. This meeting also invited Dr. Sirada Kesornsri, Director of International Collaboration and Networking of Mahidol University.
The meeting was conducted in The Halal Research Center, Chulalongkorn University hosted by Prof Winai Dahlan (Director) to strengthen cooperation and collaboration in Nutrition and Food Technology. This efforts aim to realise university’s vision to be the excellent and international reputed university.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol