Bangkok │On Wednesday (6/9) at least 30 students of 5th semester in Nutrition Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang visited Departement of Nutrition and Dietetic of Chulalongkorn University. This visit was one of agenda from International Mobility Program that was conducted from 2-8 September 2018 in Bangkok. Those students had the fabulous opportunity to sit in, join mini seminar with Ph.D students, do laboratory visit, perform discussion with faculty member, campus tour dan cooking class. In addition, students and lecturers also visited Halal Centre Chulalongkorn University that was pioneered by Prof. Winai Dahlan, one of KH Ahmad Dahlan grandsons.
In order to strengthen the relationship, signing MoU was conducted between both universities. Salsa Bening, S.Gz., M.Gizi represented Nutrition Department of Unimus, guided by Muhammad Yusuf, Ph.D as the Director of International Relations Office (IRO). While Dr. Watchara Bonlue as the Secretary of Nutrition and Dietetic Department of Chulalongkorn accompanied by Assistant Professor Wanida Laiwattanapaisal, Ph.D as the Vice Dean of Allied Health Sciences Faculty of Chulalongkorn University.
Thirty Nutrition Department Students of Unimus and lecturers took picture in Halal Center Chulalongkorn University
There was also nice discussion led by Professor Palanee Ammaranond, Ph.D as the Dean of Allied Health Sciences Faculty. The discussion talked about plans to send students from Nutrition Department of Unimus to engage in short course, send lecturers to take Ph.D program, and invite Professors from Chulalongkorn University to Unimus to be the speakers in the upcoming international seminars.
By participating in this activity, it is expected that students of Nutrition Department of Unimus will have broader international knowledge. In addition, there is any increase on academic quality and development of institution in realising one of Unimus visions to become international university. Besides, short course program will bring any benefit to students such as building islamic character, great at science mastery, so they can compete with any students from different universities from all around the world. (Salsa)