Semarang | On Tuesday (06/11/2018) at least 921 prospective graduates in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) will join Baitul Arqom Purna Studi (BAPS) in NRC Hall of Unimus. This event is organised by the Institute of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (LSIK) Unimus for six days from 6 November to 11 November 2018.


BAPS Unimus will present four outstanding speakers such as Vice Rector II, Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep., Sp.Mat. that will talk about alumni role in developing Unimus material entitled “Memperteguh Peran Alumni Untuk Kemajuan Unimus dan Muhammadiyah di Era Industri 4.0”. The second speaker is Ir. H. Heru Isnawan (CEO of Hotel Grasia Semarang) that will explain about amazing material themed “Implementasi Kerja Profesional dan Islami”. Another amazing speaker is Drs. H. Widadi, SH (Head of BPH Unimus) with his hilarious material entitled “Peran dan Fungsi Aqidah di Era Industri 4.0″. Finally, Dr. Mufnaety SCh., M.Ag. (Lecturer of AIK Unimus), as the fourth speaker will elaborate more about her material entitled “Review Baca Al-Qur’an dan Ibadah Shalat”.



At that moment, Vice Rector III, Dr. Samsudi Rahardjo, M.M., M.T. welcomed the audience and opened the event of BAPS. Besides, he also encouraged the graduates to be more confident in the society. “We are born as leaders, do not even think that we are just the ordinary persons. Why? Because we have already spent times and energy to accomplish our study in this university.” He said. In addition, Dr. Samsudi also expressed that all graduates should learn about butterfly philosophy. “Butterfly encounter what-so-called metamorphosis process, from caterpillar becomes chrysalis, and finally becomes beautiful and wonderful butterfly. This philosophy teaches us about process, if we want to develop ourselves and be better persons, we should change. Besides, every people should encounter life process well to gain the objectives.” He ended.


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