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Semarang | On November 23th, 2016, Student Activity Unit of Entrepreneurship (UKMK) of Unimus held the Inauguration of the New Committee for the period 2016-2017.

Several senior leaders of the university, such as Mr. Muhammad Yusuf, Ph.D representing the Vice Rector III, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Student Executive Board (BEM), ex-committee members of the UKMK and delegations of some student organizations of the university came to attend the event.

UKMKThe UKMK is an organization that is aimed to encourage students to develop their entrepreneurial spirit during their study. The organization was formed with the intention of breaking ground for future entrepreneur” said Mr. Yusuf in his speech.

The event was closed with the official handover of the UKMK Awards 2016. The handover was aimed to motivate all of the new committee members to always carry out the mandate as good as possible as well as be able to encourage the achievement of the vision, mission and work program of the UKMK.

Students who received the awards were Muhammad Andi Pratama (Undergraduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering) and Salsabila Amalia (Undergraduate Degree in Food Technology). Each was awarded the Best Member. In addition, Aditya from DIII in Nutrition won the Best Head of Division; meanwhile the Best Division was awarded to Partnership Division and Night Gathering (Makrab) became the Best Work Program.

UKMK 2Dewi Astuti, the new Head of Committee of the UKMK for the period 2016-2017 stated, “A good organization doesn’t only run the work program but is also about how it can become the seed or pioneer of the best future cadres and also a place where the entrepreneurship spirit grows. The unit (UKMK/UKM-Kewirausahaan) is the best Student Activity Unit that creates good cadres. Moreover, the unit also equips the students knowledge and skills to start their own businesses after finishing their study at the university”
