Semarang │(September 30, 2017) 14 students of the Undergraduate Degree in Accounting, the Faculty of Economics (FE) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) will attend an International Student Mobility in Malaysia. The Internship Program and Community Service themed “Explore the Global Unimus” will be held at the University of Malaya, Royal Selangor Pewter Industry, and Beryl’s Coklat Factory, Malaysia on October 2-4, 2017. An official discharge ceremony was held prior to their departure, led by The Vice Rector of Unimus, witnessed by the dean of the faculty, the reprentatives of the lecturers, and the director of the International Relationships Officer (IRO) in the rectorate of Unimus.

International Student Mobility in Malaysia will be attended by 14 students of the Faculty of Economics at Unimus. They are Gita Nirlama Apriyani, Nina Nadliroh, Erma Fitriana, Novi Rosalia, Ani Saraswati, Iszatun Azmi, Mya Friski Nuria, Yudia Rosiana, Eka Budi Setyaningsih, Fadhila Safitri, Widya Kurnia, Elda Ayu Larasati and Dwi Safitri (seventh semester students) accompanied by Dr. Hardiwinoto, M.Si.), a lecturer as well as the dean of the faculty. Dr. Hardiwinoto, M.Si stated that the event would be a part of learning activities in the Student Community Service and also to support the mission of the Faculty of Economics in terms of internationalization in the academic sphere.
“The activity will be part of a long process that is hoped giving inspiration to the juniors in the future in terms of how to make out-of-the-box decision. It is also to internalize the vision of having international insight, which is not only text-book but also real book by reading reality in foreign countries,” he stated. “Through the student mobility program in a foreign country, which is the first time done by the Faculty of Economics, it is hoped that the program can stimulate the students’ interests in studying overseas and also to make them able to explore global economy; therefore, the alumni will have international insights in the future and the Faculty of Economics at Unimus will be globally recognized,” Dr. Hardi added.
Drs. Syamsudi Rahardjo, M.M., M.T., the Vice Rector III, appreciated the brave step taken by the students to deal with the global challenges. He adviced the students to maintain their proper soft-skills and academic behaviors. “The Internship Program and Community Service are a medium for the Faculty of Economics at Unimus to begin promoting itself in the international economic education sphere. The students will be able to compare the scientific studies in their campus with those overseas, as well as adopt knowledge and experiences as much as possible as long as positive. The event is also able to stimulate other students in exploring sciences, not limited in the country” he added. Meanwhile, the Director of IRO (M. Yusuf, Ph.D.) stated that the event would be to support Unimus’ branding, either within or outside of the country.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.