Opening the World Food Day Celebration

Semarang I (16/10/2019) S1 Food Technology Study Program celebrated world food day in beloved campus, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. This agenda was attended by Head of Study Program, Dr. Nurhidajah, M.Si, and students of S1 Food Technology of Unimus. The celebration of World Food Day aimed at providing young generation, especially Unimus students to appreciate how important is food for human lives. Students of S1 Food Technology as the agent of Food also actively participated in the World Food Day Celebration and socialised the message from The Indonesian Association of Food Technologist/ Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia (PATPI). There are five significant points in the message such as providing sufficient foods, taking sufficient foods, finishing your food, do not waste your food, and remember that there are many people need good food. In the future, people will have great concern to provide sufficient food and prevent starving.

Head of S1 Food Technology Study Program welcomed the audience of World Food Day in Unimus that is celebrated annually every 16 Oktober

Dr. Nurhidajah, M.Si. stated that the declaration of World Food Day has been started from 16 October 1959 as the solidarity of human beings. “World Food Day is the manifestation in solving the food crisis by world food technologist, since whoever can experience malnutrition. In Indonesia, the declaration in food day celebration is one of the realisation of the Nations in food stabilisation and without being dependent to another countries” added Dr. Nurhidajah.

Unimus Students enjoy the local dishes provided by the committee

By presenting theme of “Nguri – Uri Daharan Jawi, Gemah Ripah Lohjinawi” this Food Festival not only present food existing in Java, but also vary from any other region across the nation. This idea comes in order to introduce local foods in Indonesia, so in the future, they can inherit this food diversity to the next generation. Not only foods, drink also become the concern of Food Festival in celebrating World Food Day in Unimus.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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