Semarang | As the realisation of contribution, accountability, and appreciation of Indonesian education about healthy and safety food and nutrition, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) in collaboration with The Food and Nutrition Society of Central Java (Pergizi Pangan Jawa Tengah),, and PT. Ajinomoto Indonesia held Seminar and Cooking Demonstration entitled “Mutu dan Keamanan Pangan serta Fakta Ilmiah MSG” on Saturday (3/11/2018). This event was organised in Pandanaran Hotel in Simpang Lima Semarang and joined by hundreds of participants consisting students, lecturers, and health workers as well.

Prof. Dr. Hardiansyah, MS (Chairman of Indonesian Food and Nutrition Society – Rector of USAHID Jakarta) elaborated the Myths and Fact of MSG

There were three outstanding speakers in this event, such as Prof. Dr. Hardiansyah, M.S. (Chairman of Indonesian Food and Nutrition Society – Rector of USAHID Jakarta) that explained about Myths and Facts of MSG, Prof. Dr. Retno Murwani, M.Sc., MAppSc (Chairperson of Central Java Food and Nutrition Society – A Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry Science of Undip Semarang) that elaborated about Food safety and flavour enhancer, and Dra. Zeta Rina Pijiastuti, M.Kes., Apt (Enforcement Head of The Food and Drug Monitoring Agency -BPOM- for Semarang Region) that explained about Food Hoax and How to Handle it.


There are several main reasons for someone to have something to eat including enjoy tasty food, cheap and healthy. Because, unhealthy food has no nutrients needed by our body to stay healthy. That is why, as persons that understand about food, food technology, or nutrition, someone should not focus in providing tasty food, but also considering food safety and cooking healthy food. In addition, good concept about safety food needs to be implemented in food and nutrient system, especially people or industry that provide food service.


At that time, Dean of Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences welcomed the participants. Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Kes., Med., stated that students and lecturers of Nutrition Department and Food Technology Department are demanded to improve and update their knowledge, especially in food and nutrition sector. “As good nutritionist, we have to upgrade our knowledge in order to design technology-based food innovation so that it can be such material or content to educate people in your surrounding later.” Said Dr. Budi Santosa.

This event aimed at improving people’s and academicians’ knowledge related to the safety use of MSG and how to prepare safe, healthy, and tasty food. Agenda was ended with cooking demonstration by Chef Wira to make tasty, safe, and healthy snack. In this occasion, Chef Wira cooked Dimsum Siomay Umami and Lumpia Sayur Mayumi.


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