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Wakil Rektor III membuka acara Seminar
Vice Rector III opened the seminar.

Semarang │ April 8, 2017  Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Boy Scout (Pramuka) Racana Ahmad Dahlan and Siti Walidah, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang held a seminar on children’s rights facilitators on Saturday, April 8, 2017. The guest speaker in this event was the Secretary General of Child Protection Agency (Samsul Ridwan., S.Ag., S.H., M.H.). The seminar was opened by the Vice Rector II (Drs. Samsudi Raharjo., M.M., M.T.) representing the Rector. The Vice Rector stated that students and boy scout were expected to be responsive to problems in society, including those concerning child protection. “Those who join Pramuka have a tough task for they have to serve the public.” added he. The event aimed at improving the quality of Pramuka resources, to become wiser when dealing with child abuses as well as any other kinds of violations of children’s rights. They had to train and improve their awareness on the environment so that they can be very responsive in helping the society.

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The guest speaker delivered the speech.

Themed “Empowering People’s Capacity (Indonesian Scout Movement) to Help Realize Child Protection and Children’s Rights Fulfillment”, the event was attended by all members of Dewan Racana of Ahmad Dahlan and Siti Walidah, Delegations of some racana in Semarang City. The speaker, who are also the chairman of Kampung Peduli Indonesia stated that university students had to care for child protection. Furthermore, he added that “People, including students, need to understand laws related to children, including problems concerning children that can become law cases. People need also to actively play a role in facilitating the rights of children as well as care for them”. The participants both those from and out of Unimus actively asked questions related to the topic. And, the speaker gave clear answers completed with real cases that can be easily understood by them. The seminar, finished on 12 p.m., was moderated by the Dean of FBBA Unimus, who is also scoutmaster of Gugus Depan Unimus (Yesika Maya Ocktarani, S.S., M.Hum.)

Peserta, pembicara dan moderator berfoto bersama seusai acaraParticipants, guest speaker and moderator

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
